For Readers:
How can I access the full text of articles published in the journal?
Electronic subscriptions to the Internal Medicine Review pay be purchased by sending an email to Please include your full name and mailing address. The price of a one-year electronic subscription is $100.
Can I purchase a print subscription or a single printed issue?
Yes, hardcopies of issues may be purchased for $150 each or $1100 for twelve monthly issues. Free shipping is available for most locations. Past issues may also be purchased subject to availability.
How can I purchase a single article?
PDF files of all articles are available to purchase for $35. Please email with a link to the article you wish to purchase.
What should I do if I cannot login to my account?
If you have forgotten your password, you may use the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page to have it reset. If you have forgotten your username or need assistance please email
For Authors:
Where is IMR indexed?
The Internal Medicine Review indexes papers with Google Scholar and CrossRef. Many papers can also be indexed with PubMed upon request. Please visit for more information.
What is the impact factor of IMR?
Because IMR is a newer journal the official impact factor has not yet been calculated. It should be available in 2019.
Is there a fee to publish?
Yes, please refer to the Author Guidelines for more details. Fee waivers and discounts are available.
For Reviewers:
How can I volunteer to review manuscripts?
If you wish to serve as a peer-reviewer, please email our editorial staff at with your subjects of expertise.
What are the instructions for reviewing a manuscript?
Please refer to our Reviewer Instructions.